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Back to What You Were DoingWhat They Are Saying![]() "I use the Recipe section to collaborate with ideas with my sister and my mom, and have added them as co-editors to many of our family recipes!" —Sharon, Chicago Illinois ![]() "Using other cooking type sites was just an exercise in frustration. Sure, typing in recipes from scratch is a the key feature, but I need much more. CookShares is what I have always wanted in a cooking community. I can save any type of recipe, from typing the whole thing in, to saving scans and photos, to saving links or videos. And the List feature in the Message Board is so much fun!" —Janice, Austin, Texas ![]() "CookShares knows that people don't want their personal info shared. Period. Feel so much more secure and safe here, they don't ask for anything personal like a phone number or birthdate." —Alicia, NYC (Brooklyn), NY ![]() "Yes! Our family finally has a place where we can store and share our amazing recipes without the pop ups and the email sign up forms and all of the slow loading ads. So much gratitude that CookShares was created." —John and Mandy, Mobile, AL ![]() "Hope that people will love this simple solution to recipe sharings and cooking info. I love especially how I can share with just friends and family, or keep some things Private (my secret recipes!). I Enjoy sharing my recipes, but feel comforted that I have the option to keep some content safe and secure for my eyes only." —Jorge, Boston, MA ![]() "Happiness is not getting invited to join dozens of groups and pages and events and whatever else from people I hardly know! My life is much simpler now that me and my family switched to CookShares." —Charlotte, Lincoln, NE ![]() "Love the recipe editor tool! I can create a recipe, and then add friends to help make it perfect by making them co-editors!" —Dan, Reno NV ![]() "Awesomely simple and fun!" —Maggie, Phoenix ![]() "It's a miracle! My friends and family can actually have discussions without "sponsored posts" and content being pushed on us. CookShares, to us, is total contentment." —Scott, Billings, MT ![]() "What is sensational about CookShares are the little features that show how much thought went into creating it. My favorite... the private notes I can add to any of my friend's profiles. Ideas for future presents, notes on what types of foods they like, etc... so brilliant and so simple!" —Madeline, Traverse City, MI ![]() "Instantly fell in love with CookShares. Hmm... Cooking + Community? Amazing!" —Fanny, Nashville, TN ![]() "So clean and intuitive. Love how there are no pop-ups asking me to opt-in, or ads I have to wait to load, or any surveys annoying me. CookShares is revolutionary in that it is simply back to the basics." —Steve, Sammamish, WA ![]() "Instantly liked the message board style comments, so much better than the one after another comments on a lot of other platforms. I posted my lasagna recipe, and all kinds of wonderful discussions started below. We can chat in peace now, without being interrupted by ads, sponsored content, etc. This is so EASY!" —Jenny, Milwaukee, WI Back to What You Were Doing |
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